by Helen Macmillan | Feb 17, 2015 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth
July 2011, Dallas Texas. I’m walking aimlessly around the exhibit hall at the Ewomen Conference in tears, feeling confused and dejected…like a complete failure. I had been working with a mentor since February that year, part of a high level business...
by Helen Macmillan | Aug 12, 2013 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth, Self Care
I had an interesting conversation with one of my clients the other day. I asked her if she had decided whether or not she was going to come to my Reconnection and Renewal Retreat in the Cayman Islands in October. She said “I’ve decided not to”. I...
by Helen Macmillan | Jun 28, 2013 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth
“Procrastination is the biggest thief of time” I don’t know who said that (other than my Mother who said it to me … a lot!) 🙂 For many years I was plagued by procrastination and that saying would ring in my head like a loud (and annoying) church bell when you’re...
by Helen Macmillan | May 10, 2013 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth, Self Care
Part of living beyond struggle and limitation is that you begin to have an awareness of opportunities everywhere and receive them. The dictionary defines an opportunity as: 1- an appropriate or favorable time or occasion 2- a situation or occasion favorable for the...
by Helen Macmillan | Apr 3, 2013 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth, Self Care
I am, unapologetically, a big fan of feeling “good”! (happy, contented, joyful, peaceful, calm). Having spent a good chunk of my early life depressed and feeling bad, riding the emotional roller coaster of doubt, fear, shame, judgement, criticism and...