by Helen Macmillan | May 10, 2013 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth, Self Care
Part of living beyond struggle and limitation is that you begin to have an awareness of opportunities everywhere and receive them. The dictionary defines an opportunity as: 1- an appropriate or favorable time or occasion 2- a situation or occasion favorable for the...
by Helen Macmillan | Feb 24, 2013 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth, Self Care
For so many of us the idea of “giving up” anything is a negative thing. It is somehow connected with “loss”, which doesn’t usually feel good! We are hard wired (conditioned) to believe that in order to achieve we must never, ever give up!...
by Helen Macmillan | Nov 3, 2012 | DO NOT DISPLAY, Uncategorized
I recently read Gay Hendricks book, The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level I was inspired. There have been certain books that have moved me deeply in my life and this certainly qualifies as one of them. (For a list of other books I...
by Helen Macmillan | Sep 9, 2012 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth
Entrepreneurship is one of many paths of self growth, especially if you want to be successful. To achieve greater and greater levels of success, You will have to continually grow yourself to be able to handle the challenges that present themselves on your journey to...
by Helen Macmillan | Jun 29, 2012 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth
I was introduced to a tool called ‘Access Consciousness’ sometime ago by a friend. It is a simple but profound technique that asks different questions to make us aware of what we think, feel and believe. They then use a ‘clearing statement’ to change our point of...