by Helen Macmillan | Jan 5, 2016 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth, Success
The darkness was upon her. She could feel the familiar heaviness creeping into her chest. Her mind becoming foggy as the weight of self doubt descended upon her. It happened in an instant. Triggered by a simple comment from a friend. Tumbling headlong into the...
by Helen Macmillan | Sep 1, 2015 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth, Success
I often say “Business is just another path of Soul growth”. This is because, in my own journey to building 3 successful businesses and having a life I love to wake up to everyday, I have discovered it’s more about who you become in the process....
by Helen Macmillan | Mar 15, 2015 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth
My Mom recently had knee surgery. She was nervous about it, understandably so as she is 85 years old. My 2+ decades of experience as a physical therapist gave her some comfort, but it was my skills as a life coach that made the biggest impact. My new(er) career has...
by Helen Macmillan | Jul 29, 2013 | Business Growth, DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth, Self Care
Growing up I was often told I was being “too emotional”. In response to my emotional outbursts my mother would tell me, “All of life is in your mind!”, which I interpreted at the time as “get a hold of yourself and snap out of it”....
by Helen Macmillan | Jul 3, 2013 | DO NOT DISPLAY, Personal Growth
“The stories you tell yourself, and live by, determine your life experience” ~ Unknown Everyone has a story. Actually, we have many stories. We are constantly telling ourselves different stories and creating the story of our life. What is yours? Is your...