Feeling “Wonky” too?

Note: I define “Wonky” as feeling “off”; experiencing rapid  and unusual shifts in  mood and energy levels. I’ve been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster for the past 24 hours or so. It started about 4:30 pm yesterday. I was having a...

The Right-ness of You

Growing up, whenever I did something that did not meet the expectations of someone else I heard “What’s WRONG with you?” (I cringe when I think how many times I’ve said this to my own children!!!) In my work, I often help my clients clear...

The POWER of choice

I  “suffered” with bouts of depression for most of my teenage years and on and off through my 20’s, 30’s and early 40’s. What I now understand is that my depression was simply anger turned inward.  I happened to be angry for all kinds of reasons: because I didn’t get...