Yes, we said it’s time we talk about money.

Did that make you groan a little?We get it, this time of year often comes with a post-holiday money hangover AND, for some, it already feels like we are living in uncertain and unsettling economic times. 

Money is so interwoven into the fabric of daily life that it can (and often does!) become overwhelming. And, while it’s clear how it impacts everyday practicalities, it’s not always obvious how it’s negatively impacting our emotional wellbeing and our physical and mental health.

We don’t talk enough about this. 

So that’s exactly what we’re going to do… for the month of January.


Because our core mission is to help you shift and transform your experience of life for the better. And money impacts every aspect of our lives. 

We see how powerfully it is used to limit peoples choices and sense of freedom.

We know that it IS possible to shift that – no matter the external circumstances.

Look, the reality is that we’ll all be dealing with money for the rest of our lives, so we think that makes it something worth creating greater consciousness and freedom around. We hope you do too.

So, we’ll be sharing a series of articles as part of our ‘Money Talks’ series. 

They won’t be about budgeting, bank accounts and spreadsheets though! Nope, we’re taking a SovereignMinds approach, and that means shifting your mindset and expanding your awareness.These articles will create small insights and thoughts and pose questions that allow you to reevaluate just what money is to you and the kind of relationship you’d like to have with it.

All you have to do is read them with as open a mind as possible. Deal?

Are you ready to Unleash your most Authentic Self?