HM Quote PosterI was listening to a program about epigenetics last week (epigenetics is the study of how genes express). It’s a fairly new field of scientific investigation and discovery with the potential for revolutionizing the field of health.

What scientists are now discovering is that we don’t have to live the consequences of the gene pool that we inherited, unlike what they previously thought. This is really exciting!

Just because you have a genetic predisposition for heart disease, or diabetes, or cancer – doesn’t mean you have to get it.

This ties in beautifully with what Abraham-Hicks has taught for decades and what I have come to know for sure: You get to create your reality.

Our environment plays a major role in determining which genes are expressed (turned on or off). Knowing this brings a new perspective to certain things I’ve heard. Sayings like:

You are the sum total of the 5 people you spend the most time with…

Your home should rise up to greet you…

Home is where the heart is…

Let your food be your medicine…

Clutter will drain you…

It brings a new level of understanding for me as to why I am led to eat differently, meditate more, rest more, do yoga, when I am getting ready to lead a group through a retreat or an intensive, as I am this week. (Interestingly, I have come to understand that one of the ways I dampen my power – mental, physical and spiritual  – is through the food I choose to eat)

Or why sometimes it’s easier to make a radical change when you get out of your normal environment. Like when I moved to England when I was burned out and wanted to make a radical shift in my life back in 1996. (Within 6 months of that move, I had met my new husband and was back in Jamaica. I reopened my business, but operated very differently than I had previously.)

Our environment is not just where we live and the people around us. It’s the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel, and the foods we eat. It’s the external AND the internal.

So, with this in mind, ask yourself: “Is my environment supporting my health and well-being? My success? Is it supportive of my dreams and desires?

If the answer is no, pick one small area – just one thing – and change that today.

It might be eliminating a food from your diet, or drinking more water…

It might be deciding to release a toxic relationship from your life or sending out your resume so you can find a new job to replace the current one you hate…

It might be choosing to look yourself in the mirror and giving your self a compliment instead of noticing the “flaws”. It might be deciding to forgive and let go of an old hurt…

Pick one small thing and do it today. As an act of self love and healing. Your body will thank you and your life will be enriched.

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