Company:                       SovereignMinds LLC (“Company”)

Affiliate:                           Details as per registered login via registration page for INSPIRED event

Company and Affiliate are each referred to herein as a “Party” and, collectively, as the “Parties.”

Referral Business.       This Agreement shall be determined by the registered Affiliate’s ability to provide the Company the following:

Paying attendees at the INSPIRED event on 8-10th September 2023 (“Referral Business”).

Payment will operate on a first-click approach, which credits the first referring affiliate with the commission.

Start Date.                      This Agreement shall begin on the date of affiliate registration and approval of the terms of this agreement

End Date.                        This Agreement shall terminate on 10th September 2023

Referrals.                        The Company shall pay the Affiliate the following referral amount: $150 for any paying attendee at the event resulting from their promotion of it based on the first click approach detailed above.

Leads.                              The Company shall not pay the Affiliate for leads.

Payment.                         The Referral Amount, shall be paid by the Company to the affiliate on the 30th of the month the attendee pays the final payment or full amount for the event

Payment Method.         The Payment will be made via Paypal or check mailed to the given address in the registration form.

Exclusivity:                     This Agreement shall not be construed to be a commitment by either of the Parties to work exclusively with one another regarding referrals of potential new business or any other business activities.

Payment Conditions. The Payment shall be made by the Company to the Affiliate after collecting full payment for the goods or services referred. If for any reason the transaction in connection with the Referral Amount(s) shall be refunded or disputed, the Company shall be owed any and all Referral Amount(s) paid to the Affiliate. At the option of the Company, the owed Referral Amount(s) from a dispute or refund shall either be applied to future Referral Amount(s) paid or be paid immediately by the Affiliate.

Confidentiality.              The Parties acknowledge that the existence and the terms of this Agreement, and any oral or written information exchanged between the Parties in connection with the preparation and performance of this Agreement, are regarded as confidential information. Each Party shall maintain confidentiality of all such confidential information, and without obtaining the written consent of the other Party, it shall not disclose any relevant confidential information to any third (3rd) parties, except for the information that: (a) is or will be in the public domain (other than through the receiving Party’s unauthorized disclosure); (b) is under the obligation to be disclosed pursuant to the applicable laws or regulations, rules of any stock exchange, or orders of the court or other government authorities; or (c) is required to be disclosed by any Party to its shareholders, investors, legal counsels or financial advisors regarding the transaction contemplated hereunder, provided that such shareholders, investors, legal counsels or financial advisors shall be bound by the confidentiality obligations similar to those set forth in this Section. Disclosure of any confidential information by any employee, officer, staff, affiliates, or other agents by any Party shall be deemed disclosure of such confidential information by such Party, which Party shall be held liable for breach of this Agreement. This Section shall survive this Agreement for a period of the maximum allowed under State and Federal law.

Governing Law.            This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in the State of Maryland

Severability.                   In the event any provision or part of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, only that particular provision or part so found, and not the entire Agreement, shall be considered invalid.

Entire Agreement.        This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter contained in this Agreement and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and negotiations between the Parties.