Christmas has become a time of immense pressure for many people. We have been taught that it is a time of giving and sharing. Sometimes we give because we are conditioned to think thatʼs what “good” people do – not because we are inspired to.(Inspired – aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something as if by supernatural or divine influence)

When we give from a reactive, conditioned place the essence of the Christmas season is lost. It becomes a time of stress, busyness and striving. We put on our ‘masks’ and go from one ‘costume ball’ to another. If you donʼt have money to spend, you can feel really inadequate – less than. The dependents are looking to the provider with questioning eyes and outstretched hands… guilt… frustration..anger. We eat more, drink more..trying to drown it out. Trying to make it to January. Can you relate?

Ah, but there is another scenario…Christmas as a time to slow down and reconnect with family and friends, with our inner joy. To contemplate and breathe deeply. When we stop long enough to gain clarity and connect with the still, small voice inside us. Seeking the wisdom of our highest self – the Christ Consciousness within.

My Mother often said to my children when they were younger: “My present to you is my presence”. At the time they really didnʼt understand the wisdom of those words, they just wanted to know what she had bought them! 🙂

Certainly it is joyful to watch kids of every age light up when they receive presents they really wanted, but additionally, how about:

• Giving the gift of spending meaningful time with family and friends. Taking the time to express how you feel about them – honoring the difference they make in your life.

• Giving the gift of your total attention to your children. Take the holiday to really BE with them. Fully present.

• Having a conversation with someone – ask them what they love, what are their hopes and dreams for their life? Apologize for the times you have wronged them.

Most importantly, give the gift of your presence to yourself this Christmas Season.

• Take a few moments each day to be fully present with yourself.

• Breathe deeply

• Make decisions consciously – because you want to – not because you feel you ”should” (someone else wants you to).

•  Apologize to yourself for every time you have wronged yourself or put yourself down (even if it was only in your head).

• Ask yourself what do YOU love and what are your hopes and dreams for your life.

• Feel deep appreciation for all the good you have attracted into your life and contemplate what you choose to focus on in the new year.

Whatever you choose… I wish for you a joyful, relaxing holiday season!


Are you ready to Unleash your most Authentic Self?

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